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CS Week 2024: Thank You to a Village of Volunteers

Many industry professionals from utilities of all shapes and sizes across North America played important roles in CS Week 2024. A heartfelt thank you to…

  • The CS Week Planning Committee members representing 18 different utilities who identified great content, curated speakers/panelists and introduced over 50 Conference Workshops.

  • Deep Dives facilitators who designed and delivered day-long discussions focused on core business processes and customer programs.

  • 30+ C-Suite execs who deployed networking skills and seasoned insights to deliver two-days of strategically focused content for Executive Summit.

  • The Key Account Forum Steering Committee comprised of 15 specialized professionals who know what this niche audience wants to hear and see.

  • Ten customer service center leaders who understand what it takes to build and sustain a quality, results-oriented CX and are dedicated to helping ENGAGE311 attendees along their journeys.

  • CS Week’s Board of Directors who continually evaluate program/venue results, redirect and reinforce, and find innovative ways to bring together thousands of industry professionals for learning and connecting.

  • Staff who ensure magic happens, and when it doesn’t, gracefully pivot to Plan B.

The sentiment shared by 2024 attendees and vendors was very positive and supportive of this year’s in-person conference experience in Fort Worth, TX. Their enthusiasm buoys these planning groups and informs them with boots-on-the-ground insights to launch next year’s planning at September’s Fall Planning Meeting.

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