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Make the Most of IUCX with … FACTS

First-time Attendee Conference TipS  Short Takes offer quick bites of information, enough to take action, whet your appetite for website details and ready you for what promises to be a must-do conference experience at IUCX 2025 in Phoenix, AZ next May.

Introducing FACTS, tips, tricks and tell-alls on how to make IUCX the valuable learning and networking experience you want it to be. Your time and energy plus your company’s funding deserve a solid ROI. Though FACTS target first-time utility and vendor attendees, previous CS Week attendees will likely find them useful too. FACTS break down what can seem complicated and confusing and make them simple and understandable. Previous CS Week, now IUCX, sponsors know post-Conference summer/fall months are critical and no time to dither. That’s when prior sponsors exercise grandfather privileges and re-commit to sponsorship(s) and corresponding entitlements. With sponsorship opportunities though to meet every budget, IUCX wants to work closely with your company. We understand how precious and competitive your marketing dollars are and that you want them to be impactful. IUCX provides a strong ROI from the moment you commit through Conference 2025.Visit to open the 2025 Prospectus. There, you’ll find reasons to say, “Yes, we want to commit!”


Read September’s FACTS:


Industry Partners: Review the 2025 Prospectus today and commit as a sponsor/exhibitor early to receive the biggest bang for your marketing buck.


IUCX’s Sponsorships/ Exhibiting Manager Shawnna Ansley stands ready to answer questions, explain logistics and walk you through options and processes. Sponsorships sell fast. Don’t miss opportunities to meaningfully engage with utility pros at all levels in the Valley of the Sun! Email or call her at 903-821-8648. Look for FACTS in future IUCX Short Takes!

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